The Originality system assesses submitted documents’ originality. It is intended primarily, but not limited to, for the use of academic and other educational institutions (hereinafter: the "Institutions"). The system receives academic papers or other textual documents (hereinafter: the "Works") submitted to or through it by students and / or by the institutions themselves and their employees.
The system standardizes the Work submitted through it and stores the standardized document and its metadata in the system's database ("the database"). During this process, the system may omit or remove data such as common words in the target language, short words, etc. Then, the system compares the submitted work with the repository in the database and against Internet sources. The repository may include previous work submitted in the same institution, works submitted at other institutions, information from the Internet and / or other sources.
At the end of the comparison, the system produces an Originality Report intended for the eyes of office holders in the institution where the system has been authorized to be used, mainly to detect plagiarism in these works.
The work can be uploaded to the system only through the Institutions’ LMS (Learning Management System), such as Moodle and its likes.
It is the sole discretion of the system operator to decide what content will be in the system and/or its reports, including the extent of the content in the database, the length of time it will be kept, its location and design any other matters related to placing Works, metadata and Originality Reports in the system.
Intellectual Property
All copyrights and intellectual property on Originality’s site, the system, the database, the services offered by us, and all content contained therein (except for content submitted by you and the rest of the system and site users) are solely owned by the system operator, or by other third parties, which the system operator has been permitted to use. You may not copy, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, make available to the public, modify, process, create derivative works, sell or rent any part of the foregoing, whether by you or through or through a third party, in any way or by any means without the written consent of the system operator or other rights holders, as the case may be and subject to the terms of consent (as applicable).
It is clarified that Institutions that contract with the system operator to regulate the use of the system will be granted a unique, time-limited, non-transferable license and no possibility of sublicensing concerning the system. The terms of the license shall be regulated separately and explicitly between the system operator and each of the institutions.
Trademarks and advertisements of advertisers on the site and / or on the system and its products (if any) are the property of these advertisers only. Even where they are used without the permission of the advertiser in writing.
The system operator does not claim ownership of the Works that you submit to the system. At the same time, when you submit and / or transmit Works and / or any other content through the system, you are declaring to the system operator that you have full rights to them and that you are entitled to submit them through the system. If you are not the creator or the rights holder of the content you submit, you acknowledge that you are legally authorized by the rights holder, which permits you to submit the content and grant the use rights as set forth below. The system operator will not be held responsible for any damage caused by infringement of the rights of the content owners. You are fully and exclusively responsible for any content you provide through the System and you undertake to indemnify the System Operator for any damage that may result.
You are aware that the Works and / or content you submit will be retained in the database and checked against other Works and / or content contained therein and you irrevocably consent to this. You also represent and acknowledge that the Works and / or content that you submit through the system is intended, inter alia, to produce an Originality Report, which will assess the degree of originality of the content you have submitted compared to other content in the database and on the world wide web, including Works submitted by other Institutions that have used or are using the system.
By delivering and / or submitting Works through the system you grant the system operator a free, worldwide and unlimited license, to copy, reproduce, distribute, market, make available to the public, transmit, process, edit, translate and use such Content in any other manner, according to In its discretion, on the site, on the system, in the database and any derivative of the above, in any media. As stated, this license is granted to the system's operator without any consideration, including mention ('credit'), royalties or other benefits.
Data Security
The system operator implements a set of information security tools and procedures. While these tools and procedures reduce the risks of unauthorized intrusion into the system, they cannot ensure absolute security. Therefore, the system operator does not warrant that the services it provides will be completely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored therein.
Warranties and responsibilities of the system operator include its employees, managers, and workers by virtue or on its behalf.
The use of the system, the website, and any content, or service is at your sole and full responsibility and the system operator shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to you or anyone on your behalf or any other third party, including any loss, loss or expense, directly or indirectly arising out of or indirectly with the site, system and any content and service therein. In particular, the system operator will not be held responsible for any action or procedure that the institutions may take against you, based on the Originality Report produced by the system concerning the content you submit through it.
The Works, content, and services on the site and the system are used as-is. The system operator is not responsible to suit any needs of any individual and / or institution. You will not have any claim against the System Operator for the features of the Site, the System and the Services provided, including their capabilities, limitations, rules applicable to them and their suitability to and your needs.
The system operator does not warrant that the services and content of the site and / or system will not be interrupted, rendered in order or without interruptions, be carried out safely and without errors, and be immune from unauthorized access to the system operator's computers or hardware, software or communications damages, breakdowns, malfunctions or failures. This includes the system operator’s suppliers.
You will indemnify the system operator, its employees, its managers or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense incurred by them - including attorney's fees and legal expenses - for violating these Terms of Use and binding documents. Also, you indemnify the system operator, its employees, its managers or anyone connected with the system and the service it provides for any claim brought against them by any third party as a result of any content you provide through the system and / or website or any use you make of Originality’s services.
Change In Binding Documents
The System Operator may periodically revise these Terms of Use and any of the binding documents. If possible and if these terms of use or documents require substantial changes, a notice will be posted on the website home page and / or on a dedicated system page.
If the system operator transfers its rights on the site, on the system, or any part thereof, to a third party, it may also assign its rights, in whole or in part, according to the binding documents.