Originality - Plagiarism Detection Service

Easily installed plugin for plagiarism detection
The system check for originality in all student submitted works and sends the originality report back to your LMS

Originality Report

The system is a tool for the academic institution to efficiently and effectively discover copied sections
  • Easy to read and understand

    An easy-to-understand report. The left part shows the original work and the right part indicates copy sources found by the system.

  • Color and number

    Same or very similar sections are colored and counted. The report also mentions sections of the document that were identified in other sources.

  • Originality Grade

    The system produces an originality grade for each job, from 0% to 100%.


Originality LTD provides Software as a Service (SaaS). This means you do not need to develop any software, or purchase a server and install our software.
This approach provides you notable savings in time and money.

Our service is compatible with any Learning Management Software (LMS), either off the shelf or self-developed.
This means that professors and students do not need to learn a new system. They use what they're already used to, without any noticeable change.

Originality checks every submission against all prior work submitted by all clients in the target language. Additionally, we perform a real-time search on the Internet. The result is a report sent back to your LMS.

Contact Us

We will be happy to answer any questions. We will get back to you within 48 hours.
We respect your privacy. We will not use your information except for communications between us.
We don’t and will not share your information (email, phone number) with anyone.
Please provide as much details as possible to enable a prompt and relevant answer


Originality works automatically upon submission of your assignment through Moodle.
Submitting your work via Originality’s website doesn’t process your work.
Checking the "I agree" checkbox in Moodle when submitting an assignment suffices.